The finer points of attaching images to posts.


Staff member
In his [url= said:
report of skiing at Snow Summit yesterday in the Western section of the Lift Corral[/url], Tony Crocker":1p5atnid]This was my first attempt with pics in the new format. Sizing the pics is easier as I can always get the 480x360 with one multiple reduction instead of the old trial and error method to get under 40K file size.

Unfortunately it appears that if you load all your pics at once, they will appear in the reverse order from which you posted them. I must be missing something here. And how do you post more text below the last picture? Do you preview after each picture to get the order right?

You're right -- the pictures display in the reverse order if you use the "Add Attachment" feature of Liftlines. There's unfortunately nothing I can do about that -- that's the way the code is written by the author of the attachment modification for phpBB. I'm the first person to admit that I'm not yet sufficiently skilled in PHP programming to potentially change that. The next version of phpBB is said to include the attachment feature built in, rather than implementing it as a modification, so perhaps the order will be reversed when it's built into the product. In the meantime, I've gotten used to attaching them in reverse order so that they display in the order that I intended.

The attachments automatically show up at the end of a posted topic, so there's no way to insert text between them or after them, either. As for ensuring that the description of each description is accurate, use the preview feature. There's no need to preview after each attachment upload, for you can update the descriptions from within the preview page.

The only way to add text between or after images is to use the inline image tag rather than the Attachment feature. Doing so, however, requires that the images be available on a website somewhere else.