Mont Sutton, QC 1/17/00


Staff member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/18/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Given the extreme cold today (never got above -12F) and breezy morning conditions, we opted to avoid Jay Peak in favor of the more sheltered Mont Sutton, Quebec. Although copious amounts of snow fell the day before, the overnight wind had transformed most of Sutton into heavy wind crud. That notwithstanding, however, we enjoyed a Martin Luther King holiday with a ski area nearly to ourselves - the cars in the parking lot certainly numbered less than 200. The mountain was in 100% operation as far as trails go, but there were many lifts closed due to the sparse crowds. (Note to Sutton: While this is certainly understandable, it would have made sense to run Chair VII as well, to avoid horrendously slow catwalks to return to Chair IV, and also to access the stuff at the top of Chair VII without a significant hike.) <BR> <BR>Rules of the day: stay warm, hop those turns, and keep smilin'.