Arapahoe Basin, CO 11/19/2002

Matt Duffy

New member
The conditions and coverage are still very good at the ski area, despite temps in the mid-upper thirties and the wavering hot sun above. Precious <BR>little is left for inbounds untracked though. It seems to me that A-Basin attracts more of the hard core, powder hungry, tree skiing types than most or all of the Summit County areas. <BR> <BR> I met up with my friend Jason for some runs through the chowder over the rolling steeps high and low on the mountain. We then hatched a plan to seek some virgin powder. <BR> <BR> We got some sweet old untouched powder for some distance that was bottomless for our <BR>phats until we did begin to hit things, as the snow has settled quite a bit and isn't as conducive to floating near the top at high speed. <BR> <BR> Our bases found an assortment of rocks and things throughout the course of the run, leaving some pretty good gouges, and in my case, a sizeable core shot. Nothing that can't be fixed, but a reminder that I need to buy some cheapo <BR>rock skis, or stay out of that area 'til it snows again.