Silvretta Pure


New member
Just curious if anyone has any experience with the Silvretta Pure and what they think about these bindings. I can't find many reviews on the bindings. A couple at Backcountry Magazine but that is about all. Here is a link to the manufactures web page. Silvretta


It's incredibly light as far as AT bindings go, but I never did hear any feedback last season regarding durability, which is always a concern when using lightweight b/c gear for lift-served -- especially first-year lightweight b/c gear. It also has that toe with a pivot point mounted under the ball of the foot, a la the Naxo. If I'd had any patience in May 2004 I would've had a pair mounted on my Explosivs this season, instead of the Freerides.

Here's a bit more:
Not exactly a hands-on review, but still more info nonetheless.