Alta 1/31


Active member
Woke up to a ..not so good report, 2 inches fell with a few more on the way. Took the bus just in case..and arrived to at least 6 inches and snowing hard!!. Met up with Pete after a few runs on the front side, boot deep. Went over to the loaf and supreme, really snowing hard and filling in and covering the "crust". They really missed this one but that seems to be common. Vis got bad so back to the front side where we found almost knee deep in some of the trees. Ended the day off the wildcat at 3:30. Tommorow should be even better as it was still snowing hard when we left..just going to be a lot colder.
And to all the people who tried to drive down..with their "cars"...really.
kingslug":3ew92gz6 said:
Woke up to a ..not so good report, 2 inches fell with a few more on the way. Took the bus just in case..and arrived to at least 6 inches and snowing hard!!. Met up with Pete after a few runs on the front side, boot deep. Went over to the loaf and supreme, really snowing hard and filling in and covering the "crust". They really missed this one but that seems to be common.

a) When it's still snowing out the 5 a.m. report means nothing. You have to assemble multiple data points and interpolate.
b) Alta frequently underreports. What you experienced is what we call "an Alta 2 inches."
c) Tonight's impulse is forecast to be stronger and drier than today's.
Thats why I didn't drive up..but man what a difference to what all the sites forecast...perfect timing too..if I had to hike up for the class in this....I would have been :dead horse:
Felt the bottom on every turn on anything steeper than 20 degrees. And the bottom was scratchy. Sorry to throw 9" of fresh on your TR but I think our working friends should not be tearing themselves up about missing this one.
Skrad":3kvqhmjq said:
Felt the bottom on every turn on anything steeper than 20 degrees. And the bottom was scratchy. Sorry to throw 9" of fresh on your TR but I think our working friends should not be tearing themselves up about missing this one.

Considering what we have had to ski this past week, I think Ira's enthusiasm was justified. I certainly didn't mind finding the bottom at times while kicking up nicely satisfying face shots when turning into the wind. Some of the chutes off Supreme were very sweet, and Wildcat was very satisfying. BTW, an occasional "scratchy" spot is still better than a day at work :lol:
From today's Utah Avalanche Center report:

Well, this storm certainly favored upper Little Cottonwood Canyon with around 15 inches of 3% density snow for storm totals (PHOTO). You’ll find that it’s settled to around 10” and you’ll also find that as you get away from upper Little, the snow amounts drop off drastically. There is 4 to 6 inches of settled new snow in upper Big Cottonwood and along the upper Park City Ridgeline. In Ogden and Provo only a trace to a few inches accumulated. Temperatures are in the single digits and winds are from the north northwest. Speeds bumped just slightly overnight with moderate to stronger gusts most pronounced above 10,500 feet. It looks like the winds were fairly well behaved along the mid elevation ridges.