Alta 2/1/11


Active member
Much better today with 15 inches reported and...well it seemed like more. Met my ex and her Bf who are staying near Snowbasin..talked them into making the drive payed off. Well after they rented some fat skis...the first run off the low T didn't work so well with skinny "east coast" skis. Did a few more runs at a little less angle so they could get used to them and then went in to warm up and meet Pete. It was -10 but bluebird skies and little wind made it tolerable..and besides NY'ers are used to this. Went over to Supreme for some more low angle pow in the trees..then off to let Walter try his first chute...don't know the name of it but its under the chair..the wide one..he was happy as a clam..once he got down..Spent some more time back there then the wind picked up so we ended the day on the front side....took the rope tow..the EBT would have been murder..the wind was really kicking. I'm very thankfull that it dumped..really made the trip for me and them..and I have 5 more days to go...
kingslug":7ifk7ajm said:
Much better today with 15 inches reported

16", that is...and it's of 3% cold smoke, mind you.

kingslug":7ifk7ajm said:
Met my ex and her Bf

:shock: This is starting to sound like a Crocker story...

kingslug":7ifk7ajm said:
who are staying near Snowbasin..talked them into making the drive payed off.

I'll say it did - Snowbasin reported a storm total of 3". The avi report this morning summed it up nicely:

The Utah Avalanche Center this morning":7ifk7ajm said:
Well, this storm certainly favored upper Little Cottonwood Canyon with around 15 inches of 3% density snow for storm totals (PHOTO). You’ll find that it’s settled to around 10” and you’ll also find that as you get away from upper Little, the snow amounts drop off drastically. There is 4 to 6 inches of settled new snow in upper Big Cottonwood and along the upper Park City Ridgeline. In Ogden and Provo only a trace to a few inches accumulated. Temperatures are in the single digits and winds are from the north northwest. Speeds bumped just slightly overnight with moderate to stronger gusts most pronounced above 10,500 feet. It looks like the winds were fairly well behaved along the mid elevation ridges.

kingslug":7ifk7ajm said:
then off to let Walter try his first chute...don't know the name of it but its under the chair..the wide one.

Supreme Challenge, a.k.a. Tower 10 Chute. If you're ever looking to off the ex's boyfriend see me for some better recommendations. :lol:
I know the official policy is to try to dissuade people from skiing "our" chutes, but seeing Walter's grin after (very successfully) making the trip down through the chute, it looks like he will be back for more in the future. :-)
tirolerpeter":2bd1cbj6 said:
I know the official policy is to try to dissuade people from skiing "our" chutes, but seeing Walter's grin after (very successfully) making the trip down through the chute, it looks like he will be back for more in the future.


a) There's no "our" chutes as far as I'm concerned. Anything in-bounds is fair game and I'll gladly take anyone anywhere. I just won't describe in an Internet forum how to find some of the less traveled places that we frequent.

b) Even if there were such things as "our" chutes, Supreme Challenge sure wouldn't be one of 'em. I could count the number of times I've skied that line on one hand. Calf Rope always sucks me into her charms instead.
I guess the fact that I was kidding about hiding places like the chute didn't come through in my post. It is a nice, wide, accessible chute useful to initiate a visitor to the fun of skiing Alta.
Admin":3bjgqire said:
If you're ever looking to off the ex's boyfriend see me for some better recommendations.

New revenue stream for FTO?

I'd say this deserves like ten of these... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Harvey44":1gmhup0n said:
Admin":1gmhup0n said:
If you're ever looking to off the ex's boyfriend see me for some better recommendations.

New revenue stream for FTO?

Hey, my last name's Guido. We've already got revenue streams from concrete pouring and trash hauling.
kingslug":3olwkj3g said:
Wonder when they will open..all the closed stuff this week...Devils castle??? I have ...all week...

All the ropes that I expected to be closed today was what prompted me to consider a few hours on the hill tomorrow morning, were it not for the bloody frigid weather overnight tonight. This web page is your friend:

The only things closed currently are Baldy Chutes, Devil's Castle and East Castle. Baldy Chutes, fergeddaboudit. I'd expect that they'll likely try to get Ballroom/Baldy Shoulder open tomorrow as this wind should subside. The Castle they generally let settle for a day or two first, so maybe tomorrow after they finish up on Ballroom/Baldy Shoulder, but more likely later in the week. East Castle they let settle naturally 90% of the way before they do anything proactive, but it's such a heinous sidestep that it's completely off my radar. Once and done for me.
tirolerpeter":ikqmq8sf said:
a nice, wide, accessible chute useful to initiate a visitor to the fun of skiing Alta.
Admin":ikqmq8sf said:
b) Even if there were such things as "our" chutes, Supreme Challenge sure wouldn't be one of 'em.
Sorry for parsing words -- can you tell that I haven't skied in 13 days? -- but the word "chute" seems to be pretty widely applied. The SLC crew's beloved Alta nomenclature makes my head spin, but when you mentioned "Supreme Challenge" as a chute, that rang a bell and I found a pic of me on it two years ago:


Isn't calling something a "wide chute" a bit oxymoronic?
kingslug":ubycepgz said: a chute???

Like "beauty" a "chute" is in the eye of the beholder. When someone visits from places that essentially restrict skiers to groomed runs bordered by ropes, fences, and berms, anything that is reasonably steep with trees on either side looks like a chute. Nevertheless, this is a good topic for a day that is starting out with temps at -15 degrees at mid-mountain. I think I'll focus on my "gotta get to it sometime" list today and stay warm, "bluebird sky" notwithstanding.
kingslug":2tccqhoe said:
Hmmm...what to do today??

Seems to me it would be a good day to practice your newfound skills skinning up Flagstaff in the sun. Just know before you go.