Sunday River opens tomorrow

i guess i'll be the first to beat the dead horse
i'll never say no to lift serviced... but it's just so dumb opening for 1 day and shutting it down and trying to force it open again... they are obviously trying to pick up the football fumbled by K in the last few years.. the silly open on ice chips and get it on the 6 oclock news for the boston tv stations...but dont just pick up the fumble....pick it up and run it in for the touchdown by making the snow and spin till the snow is gone.... spinning in may when the film of the corn won't make the 6 oclock news is the real story... we'll see if they are for real... or if it's just smoke and mirrors :shock:
joegm":271oye8f said:
i guess i'll be the first to beat the dead horse
i'll never say no to lift serviced... but it's just so dumb opening for 1 day and shutting it down and trying to force it open again... they are obviously trying to pick up the football fumbled by K in the last few years.. the silly open on ice chips and get it on the 6 oclock news for the boston tv stations...but dont just pick up the fumble....pick it up and run it in for the touchdown by making the snow and spin till the snow is gone.... spinning in may when the film of the corn won't make the 6 oclock news is the real story... we'll see if they are for real... or if it's just smoke and mirrors :shock:

I agree, but the fact of the matter it is a business and they will probably make more money on weds than they would on some spring day in May that would have much better conditions
I'm not sure why they think more people are going to show up today than would this coming weekend. Is the weather expected to take a turn for the worse?
Tony Crocker":32k37i8v said:
I'm not sure why they think more people are going to show up today than would this coming weekend. Is the weather expected to take a turn for the worse?

Looks like marketing to me. Open in October is definitely more spectacular than opening in November. :o A few years ago, in the ASC days, I believe they re-opened just for May 1st.

I don't know about the weather, I heard a cold front was coming.
it looks like there's gonna be snowmaking weather for the next few days. a chance for snow early next week is not out of the question as it looks like a decent amount of cold air is gonna be around. this is purely speculative on my part, but things don't look all that bad.

in any event, if this cooler/colder weather keeps up it's gonna allow the ground to start getting cold, and eventually frozen- the deeper the frozen ground layer, the better for long-term snow preservation. if i'm not mistaken, early season snows that drop early and stay around insulate the ground, keeping a shallow freeze level- and leads to preservation problems come late season.

sorry for going off on a tangent.
Tony Crocker":3sh4rx6f said:
I'm not sure why they think more people are going to show up today than would this coming weekend. Is the weather expected to take a turn for the worse?
Given what I found left at Attitash, I suspect Sunday River was concerned they wouldn't have enough snow before it all melted to last until this weekend. Besides, as Patrick mentioned, it certainly looks better for marketing to do this in October. Additionally, they could probably do a soft opening today with almost no staff but would need a full staff load for a weekend opening. Most resorts do not have full operational staff hired and trained yet.
isn't one of the lame excuses these bs artists use when justifying not spinning late that they don't have enough staff or that the staff has all gone home for the season.... :roll: apparently they can spin early with no staff but not late :roll: .. that makes sense :roll: just another proof that they are full of bull cookies....i get so pissed when i read about crap like this cause it is just so transparent and phoney
For those who doubted I was there.

Date skier Oct 31 2007
Conditions firm man made on sides, Groomed loose packed powder to soft wet snow in the center. Looks like cats got a pass or two down the middle. Not many thin spots. Lots of fun.

temps no idea. below freezing when i got up. Warmer in to mid 50's when I left.

Word was given around a 10.30 am start. I hung out in the lot with (Yawmag37, Gamway73) and Ga2ski. Eastcaostpowderhound was around I have heard.

We all dropped off cans, (food bank drive) but have passes. Gamway bought a ticket to have the oct 31st ticket for historical value.

AK sightings on the hill. It was T2 cutting across to mid staion basically. down loading required to get to the base. Cover was better than I expected.

When we got going it was firm, but soon after is softend up nice. 1st pictch was a bit thin in one spot, but that was pretty much it.... rest was good. cover. As the snow softened up the sides became fun with some small bumps. A small park was set up as well.

Ga2ski with his attention gathering tigger costume was a hit with the media outlets. Very cool set up. Looks like he needs no warm up days to make nice turns. Gamway set a fast pace.

Made turns for about 2 hours and broke with Gamway to head home for trick or treat. Real impressed with the work of the snowmakers. Lots of talk about what could and could not happen. Fact was we got out cause they made a push. thankx so much many props.

Looks like Barker is getting love as well new shrubs and lots of work going on. Looks to be better I think. Ga2ski may post pictures later if Trick or treat went well.

Day 1 counted in Oct.
Thankx boyne and sunday river.

Joe they had bumps. :D Saw your blurp in freeskier.

Not sure how long the snow will hold, the middle section wil last. The top steep pitch won't. Be real curious if they make snow tonight. To me that would be a sign of weekend opening.

Word is They won't open this weekend, but will make the next Friday full opening....

My guess is it will be before the Friday date Nov 9th date. It was worthy of a trip. I made 8 runs, all I had time for. Had to get home and go take the kids around for trick or treat. 6 hours of driving for 2 hours of turns.
Skiing is my addiction.

BobR":32qa17mw said:
Day 1 counted in Oct.
Thankx boyne and sunday river.
Word is They won't open this weekend, but will make the next Friday full opening....

My guess is it will be before the Friday date Nov 9th date. It was worthy of a trip. I made 8 runs, all I had time for. Had to get home and go take the kids around for trick or treat. 6 hours of driving for 2 hours of turns.

Thanks for the first hand report Bob, glad to see that you also got some October turns and returned in time for trick-or-treat (priorities in the right place). =D>

Thanks also to Sunday River and Boyne for giving us some hope that it's not all about the money (probably marketing, but who cares). =D>

We need this type of news from ski areas after all this negative shit from Killington and Powdr corp. :x
good report robert.... i can just picture it as i can remember from K a few years ago that the first 2 weeks usually resulted in those little bump runs on the edges becasue of the more often than not warming up during the day....the first 2 weeks always seemed to be tons of fun then it would get real cold and it would blow for the next month or so :wink:
yeah, i couldn't believe freeskier printed the whole letter.. their response i thought was kind of silly, but i have to give em credit for printing it and not editing it
Funny part is SR has no way of really getting the message out itself other than the message boards. Shows :D we do matter.

It really was like spring turns.
" it was like spring turns "

you can ski and run a lift when it's warm out and not winter????? :roll:
I am very much in agreement with joegm on this topic.

It did cost some $ to blow this snow. We know they could not have sold many tickets for this midweek event, especially on such short notice. Sunday River is far less convenient to the large population bases than Killington. Yet someone at Boyne thought it was worth spending the $ for the pure marketing publicity of running a few hours on Halloween.

So there is clearly some marketing value to early openings and/or late closings. I would recommend adding a little revenue to that marketing value by targeting the weekends. I also believe that some fraction of Killington season pass sales were tied to the long season. We're not going to get a good answer to that question because the drop in sales will be attributed entirely to the increased price. But IMHO the longer season would be a good justification for a price premium.

Any opinion on whether Killington had more skier traffic/sold more day tickets pre-Thanksgiving or post-May 1 in the good old days?
I visited the Sunday River booth at the Ottawa ski show a couple of weeks ago and a consistent big part of the reps pitch was "we blow LOTS of snow" and if you come here you will have skiing.

Getting a day of October lift serviced skiing in backs up the marketing efforts at a key time of year when a lot of people are making decisions about where to go for planned trips this winter. The majority of people have to plan ski trips around available dates, instead of current conditions. Looks like Sunday River is targetting that segment. The numbers for yesterday, or getting word out too early, are probably not that relevant since the value is in PR and marketing.
My favorite statement was..... we made all this snow... we might as well open.

Opening has marketing value. I already feel I got something for my pass.

Some of that snow will be there for the formal opening. ie base building.

It won't all melt.

So it cost to have the lifts run and people work. They were there anyway.

4 maybe 5 lifties two or 3 patrollers.

These guys were all on the payroll anyway.

I saw snow makers riding the lift going up to work around 1.30. Remember Wildat opened in May with a lean and mean crew that worked too.

Sure there was some marketing. I feel so used. :D
Tony Crocker":2jp91g63 said:
Any opinion on whether Killington had more skier traffic/sold more day tickets pre-Thanksgiving or post-May 1 in the good old days?
I've posted my detailed personal numbers regarding Kmart a while back (I can probably find them later). I believe that I wasn't alone in almost exclusively skiing K in the time period you're refering of.
FOUND IT... from May 2004. The annual Kmart discussion. ... june#25533

Patrick":1ir1mhl0 said:
As you can see below, my ski days at the Great K have been concentrated on early/late season. <BR> <BR>To add facts to my statements my skier-days to K and the fact that it was on the margins of the season. Kevin has already posted his, here are mine: <BR> <BR>October: 0 <BR>November: 6 <BR>1) 9 nov 91 <BR>2) 10 nov 84 <BR>3) 11 nov 90 <BR>4) 16 nov 84 <BR>5) 16 nov 86 <BR>6) 27 nov 88 <BR> <BR>December: 4 <BR>1) 13 dec 97 <BR>2) 15 dec 96 <BR>3) 22 dec 95 <BR>4) 24 dec 85 <BR> <BR>January:0 <BR>February: 0 <BR>March: 2 <BR>1) 11 mar 94 <BR>2) 12 mar 95 <BR> <BR>April: 2 <BR>1) 3 apr 91 <BR>2) 8 apr 85 <BR> <BR>May: 22!!! <BR>1) 6 may 88 <BR>2) 10 may 86 <BR>***** after this year's closing <BR>3) 13 may 88 <BR>4) 17 may 87 <BR>5) 18 may 86 <BR>6) 18 may 87 <BR>7) 18 may 97 <BR>8) 19 may 91 <BR>9) 20 may 89 <BR>10) 21 may 84 <BR>11) 21 may 00 <BR>12) 22 may 84 <BR>13) 22 may 92 <BR>14) 22 may 94 <BR>15) 22 may 95 <BR>16) 23 may 84 <BR>17) 23 may 93 <BR>18) 24 may 84 <BR>19) 24 may 99 <BR>20) 27 may 95 <BR>21) 28 may 85 <BR>22) 29 may 85 <BR> <BR>June: 8 <BR>1) 1 jun 92 <BR>2) 1 jun 93 <BR>3) 1 jun 94 <BR>4) 1 jun 95 <BR>5) 1 jun 96 <BR>6) 1 jun 97 <BR>7) 11 jun 92 <BR>8) 15 jun 97 <BR> <BR>There you have it, I would have only skied 13 days at K if this season opening/closing would have been the norm over the past two decades. I skied 31days on those margins that have been cut-off, 28 in the late season. I skiied Killington more time on JUNE 1ST that the entire months of January, February, March and April (6 times vs 4)!!! <BR> <BR>I don't believe that I am the only skier that were only skiing K when everything else was closed. I was willing to drive 200 miles to get those turns in late May (400 since 1994-95) that K, I am sure some other were too. <BR> <BR>Who said we wouldn't reach 140???

BobR":1ir1mhl0 said:
Sure there was some marketing. I feel so used. :D

:lol: Although I don't know anything about this, but I guess it would be like if a girl only wanted to sleep with you for the sex. :lol: