Telluride Begins Gondola Replacement Project.


Well-known member
Perhaps one of the most used lifts in North America is Telluride's Gondola. The gondola runs daily from 6:30 a.m. to midnight during summer and winter with just a few weeks of rest in spring/fall. It rapidly accumulates hours - the best measure of usage.

The Telluride Gondola is an incredible success like few others. It is used by everyone: skiers, visitors, employees, commuters, mountain bikers, hikers, etc. Most similar projects do not achieve this. For example, look at High Camp at Squaw Valley/Palisades. Left in the dustbin. And yes, other Rocky Mountain resorts run their gondola/trams in the summer; none run 18 hours a day. Telluride also allowed pets/dogs to go on the Gondola before it became commonplace.

My only issue is that Telluride cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. This time will likely even get Telski sucked in, which has nothing to do with the project for the most part. It will distract from other desperately needed infrastructure, such as lift upgrades for Chairs 7, 10, etc, and indoor dining facilities - almost none outside of Gorrono.

Also, the issue that needs to be resolved is capacity!!! The gondola has about as much capacity as Mad River Glen's single chair. In each direction, less than 1000 person/hr. That is less than a double chair. At the end of the day, lines of an hour can be standard for returning to Telluride from Mountain Village. Very commonplace. Also, the gondola cannot handle any event. For example, if The Telluride Film Festival shows a movie in the Conference Center at Mountain Village, an hour line can build in each direction. It's poorly thought out in that regard.

Any standard North American or the Alps gondola could likely support 1800-3000 persons per hour. And that is what Telluride needs to do.

However, the town and its occupants are a trainwreck. It succeeds in spite of itself. So, I hope the Gondola Replacement Plans include an increase in capacity, otherwise its a missed opportunity.

Another issue is how to deal with lightning. It can shut the lift down for hours in the summer. There must be some remedy for this.

Gondola project turns towards station planning​

Public workshops will discuss station development in Telluride and Mountain Village

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And, of course, we have the inevitable lawsuits - for a typo concerning campaign finance donation groups.

Telski originally had to finance the gondola and Mountain Village, and most of the operations were done as a settlement with the EPA in the 1990s: public transportation requirements for continued real estate development, wetlands destruction reparation, and winter smog mitigation.

(Yes, Telluride (town) had worse air quality than hazy, hot days in LA in the 1990s. The cold air gets trapped in the narrow box canyon with any particulates. No more fireplaces are allowed, and grandfather exemptions to this ordinance are one of the hottest real estate assets for new homes - telling a wealthy individual 'NO' to a ski house dream to sit next to the fire after skiing is laughable. Allowed some locals to take value out of their homes bought in the 70s/80s/90s without selling the home).
