Alta, UT 2/14/2010


Staff member
Day 32: "If you're not having fun today, it's your own damn fault."

Those were the simple, yet profound words of an unidentified chairlift companion on Sugarloaf today. Deep snow, blue skies, warm air and no competition. I mean, when do you get to see Backside looking like this?

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That was smooth, dense, creamy, perfectly consistent and bottomless. In other words, heli quality. Bobby Danger called this morning to say that they were skiing Snowbird this morning. I told him to knock themselves out, for after seeing on the morning report that a.m. control work was in progress on Backside, I knew where I wanted to be. Tele Jon and I managed to catch the opening of the High Notch hike right around 9:30. And hard to believe, there was no one else hiking around us! Despite this, parking lots were full. We could only guess that locals were staying home due to the holiday weekend and tourists didn't know where to go, especially as the gravity traverse into Yellow Trail remained closed for a while. I love it when ASP does that! \:D/

We didn't go all the way out to High Notch, however, opting instead to drop High Yellow Trail from the ridgeline through pure untracked all the way down to lower Backside, where I found only two tracks in Glatch. It was positively dreamy, in fact, that we skied the entire vertical of Backside all the way to Albion.

Once out on the groomed, however, I realized that I was having some rather significant binding issues. I've spent little time on my Movement Goliaths this winter, and the last time was at PCMR when I couldn't adjust the toe height on my Silvretta Pures to accommodate the Salomon Quest 12 boots. Now that I was back out on the Goliaths for the first time since then, I was noticing for the first time a ridiculous amount of play in the toe piece that allowed me to rock the boot within the binding a good five degrees in either direction. Not good. Jon and I each swapped out our skis at the parking lot (Jon trading his Karhus for Nordica Blowers to go bigger, as I was forced to go smaller with the Volkl Explosive CMH's), and then headed up Collins for a second serving of Backside...which wasn't much more tracked out than the first time even thought the Instructor's Traverse was now open.

The line at Sunnyside was long, so we instead skied right onto the Albion slow boat to get back to Sugarloaf. Time wise, it was probably a wash. Riding Sugarloaf thereafter we spied a line in Glory Hole between strips of avalanche debris that had yet to be touched. We dropped that, too (and BTW the notch entrance to Glory Hole was as clean as it ever gets), finding snow a bit heavier and slabbier than elsewhere but nonetheless good skiing. The High T is in as good a shape as it ever is -- relatively smooth and actually soft for setting land speed records -- and we found still more untracked lines in Greeley Bowl and Susie's Trees. There was just no one else skiing in there. Amazing!

We wrapped up the morning with a drop into North Greeley proper (High Nowhere to Dougie's for me, while John explored a new line down to NR Bowl/Old Reliable) just as wispy clouds started drifting through.

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Yet even as we got into afternoon there were still remarkably untracked lines in there.

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Clouds got thicker still as we ate lunch at Rustler Lodge.

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They eventually enveloped all of the Flagstaff ridgeline, Patsy Marley and Baldy itself. My quads were starting to cramp up, too, especially after Saturday's full-on charge, so after lunch I called it a day to head back to the Valley to attempt to warranty my bindings. I'm hoping for good news by midweek.
I'm somewhat reassured reading Admin referring to yesterday as a 'full-on charge'. It sure seemed that way to me, even if I am an old, overweight, out of shape, tourist flatlander.

I think I was keeping up with the crew fairly well, but boy did I get left in the dust on the traverses. You Alta boys sure love your highspeed traverses! And why do they always seem to go to the right, where my weak, repaired ACL has to shoulder so much of the load??????
One of my best days at altabird in recent memory. Started w dead first down thirds. Followed by seconds down eddies. Then maybe 10th down high notch. Back to first for a recent opening of badnews. Then third or fourth track down skiers right key hole. Up the tram and set the nuckle head out road to Provo. Pure glory. Up gad 2 for a completely devine and untouched secret stash in tiger tail. So damn good. All the way to the road. What a day!
jkamien":1b7pxnxo said:
You Alta boys sure love your highspeed traverses!

You have to remember that Alta is one of the "ultimate traverse" resorts (not that there aren't a few others too).

Admin":1b7pxnxo said:
"If you're not having fun today, it's your own damn fault."

Backside looks spectacular. Not quite as good as that but I got lucky and had what passes for my version today as well.
jkamien":3j5kor6o said:
I'm somewhat reassured reading Admin referring to yesterday as a 'full-on charge'. It sure seemed that way to me, even if I am an old, overweight, out of shape, tourist flatlander.

I think I was keeping up with the crew fairly well, but boy did I get left in the dust on the traverses. You Alta boys sure love your highspeed traverses! And why do they always seem to go to the right, where my weak, repaired ACL has to shoulder so much of the load??????

The right side traverses and side step climbs outnumber the left at Alta. I was having a significant amount of pain in my right patella which kept me from doing the backside climb to high notch and really limited how much hiking I wanted to do. I could manage the traverses ok if they were with gravity. I was attemting the High Notch climb when ASP opened up the Yellow Trail gate, right in front of me. Sweet relief and sweet turns were had.

Since I've been home, my knee is much better. I think all that schlepping, right side up, did a number on my knee. And 8 days with no break, didn't help my knee recover while I was there.

I've been doing PT and a lot of xc skiing since I've been back. Haven't felt like skiing dust on crust at Greek Peak yet. Will head to Jay Peak this weekend. Not much traversing/hiking there, but maybe a trip out to Big Jay will be in order.
Admin":n96y0ddz said:
after lunch I called it a day to head back to the Valley to attempt to warranty my bindings. I'm hoping for good news by midweek.

I just got the phone call - Silvretta is willing to warranty the bindings. Three cheers to:

  • Salewa/Silvretta, for standing by their product; and
  • John, the shop manager at REI on 3300 S in Salt Lake City, who went to bat for me even though a) I bought the bindings not from REI but on pro form from Garmont North America, back when Garmont distributed Silvretta in the U.S.; and b) REI hasn't sold Silvretta for a couple of years. Thanks John! You're first class.
Marc_C":yb5n14xo said:
I sometimes think if I hear any more whining about Alta and Snowbird traverses.......
They do come with the territory. Enough more so at Alta that you wind up skiing ~3/4 as much as you would at Snowbird. Given the quality of both areas that does not not deter me from putting in time at both.

I think the complaints relate more to the traverses stressing certain recovering injuries. I have had a couple of episodes with inflamed hip flexors, and traverses/step-ups with the inflamed side uphill are not fun. It is difficult for us nutcases to exercise self control on the slopes. If you can ski in a manner that does not affect a recovering injury, it's better than not skiing at all. But you have to take a pass on areas/situations that might aggravate the injury.
Tony Crocker":2an2fqci said:
They do come with the territory. Enough more so at Alta that you wind up skiing ~3/4 as much as you would at Snowbird.
No: High Baldy, Guru, Maharishi, Black Jack, Cirque/Mid-Cirque, Bookends, Knucklehead, Chamonix, Anderson's. Those are the major ones at Snowbird. Explain again how Alta has more traversing? And the traverse is a run all by itself. Based on that 3/4 comment, I'm beginning to think there's a lot of terrain at Snowbird that you never get to. :stir:

Tony Crocker":2an2fqci said:
But you have to take a pass on areas/situations that might aggravate the injury.
Patient: "Doctor, doctor! It' hurts when I do this."
Doctor: "Don't do this."
Marc_C":1cbb5e6s said:
And the traverse is a run all by itself.

OK, I'll admit it: I take a perverse pleasure at hitting something like the High T at Mach 3 when it's soft and pliable like it was on Sunday. Even more so if there are white-knuckled visitors to blow past. O:)
Marc_C":i92hs9sy said:
I sometimes think if I hear any more whining about Alta and Snowbird traverses.......

Was I whining? I really didn't mean it like that. On the trip I just took, I skied at 8 ski areas* over 6 consecutive days. For this trip, I wanted to ski Utah outside of AltaBird, since those two were the only places I've previously skied in Utah. After that experience, as much as I enjoyed some of the other places (especially Snowbasin), I cannot make any argument for staying anywhere else but Goldminer's Daughter and skiing anywhere but Alta and Snowbird.

My main comment was intended to be twofold: 1) I can't keep up with the Alta regulars on the traverses and 2) those righthand traverse's stress my weak left knee and I wished that I could have balanced them with an equal number of lefthand traverses.

*Deer Valley
Solitude (during interconnect only)
Brighton (during interconnect only)
Powder Mountain
jkamien":dgie0xxs said:
Was I whining? I really didn't mean it like that. <snip>My main comment was intended to be twofold: 1) I can't keep up with the Alta regulars on the traverses and 2) those righthand traverse's stress my weak left knee and I wished that I could have balanced them with an equal number of lefthand traverses.
Not really. As whining about Alta traverses goes, it was pretty mild.
BTW, I think the the fastest I've ever seen was yesterday when two guys came screaming through Regulator Right to hit the Mid-Cirque gate. Seems like they were moving upwards of 40 mph.