Antipodes - Wikipedia
It is relatively difficult to have visited antipodeal points on the earth because only 3-4 % of Earth's land surface has an antipodes that is also on land.
I was aware that the antipodes of Hawaii is nearly all within Botswana after the 2002 trip but I got closer this time. The southern tip of Hawaii's Big Island is an exact match for Splash Camp in the Okavango in latitude and only 1 degree off in longitude.
I have two other close calls. Las Lenas, Argentina and Xian, China are off by 1 degree latitude and 1 degree longitude. Angkor Wat, Cambodia and Nazca, Peru are off by 1 1/2 degrees latitude and 1 1/4 degrees longitude.
In 2019 Liz and I had dinner in Hamilton on New Zealand's North Island. It is the exact antipodes of Cordoba, Spain. We have never been to Spain but will be there for a tour and the 2026 eclipse.
I recalled this issue after the marathon flight discussion. The Cape of Good Hope and Cape Leeuwin in SW Australia are both antipodean latitude matches for L.A. But the antipodean longitude is in the Indian Ocean, as for all of the continental U.S.
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