jaxbert":2sc1c1s5 said:
America can do it's part to clean up the environment without joining some international treaty.
I'm sorry, this is global problem. Without a treaty, you can say whatever you want, but if you don't commit it (regardless of the issue) or don't respect them, it's pretty much useless.
jaxbert":2sc1c1s5 said:
The truth is... Kyoto is not fair. The WORST contries in terms of pollution, such as China and other developing contries are exempt.
Not fair...let's see. :roll: The USA, CANADA and all the other industrialized countries have polluted the planet and enriched themselves, increased their level of living since the Industrial Revolution and you expect the emerging and developing countries that are trying or getting out of a century of standards well below ours to pay the same price as us for cleaning the planet.
HOWEVER you are correct in pointing out that the developing countries should do more and they are to be included in Phase 2. But once again, why would they do any part in the biggest contributor per capital on the planet can't even commit to fighting Climat Change?
jaxbert":2sc1c1s5 said:
The USA has tough environmental laws, enforced by the EPA, which also does a good job.
The US Federal government hasn't really done much, the only progress have been by some lower level of government, being State or Local.
jaxbert":2sc1c1s5 said:
We DONT need American companies dragged into International court. We dont need the UN in our business.
This is a is a bit off topic, but according to your interpretation, the USA can do whatever it wants? It's nobody business, but it own. Why would any other country respect what others have to say? We don't need any international organisations. Under this logic, why would anyone object to Iran or North Korea doing what it wants? You can't have it both ways. As for the USA environment policy on Climat Changes (although not related to International Courts), it affects the USA, Canada and rest of the planet. Here are some numbers:
The US contains 4% of the world's population but produces about 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions.
The average American produces six tonnes of carbon dioxide, a Chinese 0.7 tonnes and an Indian 0.25 tonnes.
jaxbert":2sc1c1s5 said:
As for Global Warming... I think this year it a bit of a fluke.
Next year's winter will probably be much better... last year was awesome.
Last year was awesome???? :shock: ](*,) ](*,) Maybe in Florida, if you would be living in the North-East or Eastern Canada you wouldn't say that, unless you don't like Winter. The biggest changes are affecting the higher latitudes. This questionning of the existance of Global Warming is mainly concentrated in the US. The science isn't even an issue elsewhere.
jaxbert":2sc1c1s5 said:
We are in a warm cycle, which will probably last 20-30 years. Humans may of made the situation a little worse, but the truth is nature has an amazing way of repairing itself, and evening things out. I am not saying that the things we do don't matter... I am just saying that what we are experiencing is at least partly a natural cycle.... Mars is heating up too... ;p
I thinking dinosaur here? Do you know that the permafrost in the Canadian Arctic is melting right now? Do you know how much methane this can release in the atmosphere and what it can do? The scenarios from themodels on Climate Change from 20 years ago are being confirmed at a faster rate, do you really want to take a chance? Natural cycle was being discused as a possibility over 20 years ago when I was in University, after years of observation and scenarios being confirmed, the Natural Cycle isn't discused anymore, just the human impact. Even the US Government acknowledged it...
Humans cause global warming, US admits from BBC News
The US Government has acknowledged for the first time that man-made pollution is largely to blame for global warming.
The Effects Of Global Warming On Skiing from Piste Hors
http://pistehors.com/backcountry/wiki/W ... -On-Skiing
Climate change threatens winter sports from Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeace.org/international ... change-and
Climate Change: are we all destined for a future in grass skiing? on Biglines.com
http://www.biglines.com/articles_readmo ... &read=3131
Olympic couple joins fight against climate change on CBC News
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/ ... imate.html
Report submitted by University of Montreal professors Singh and Bryant to Natural Resources Canada. Impact of and adaptation to GHG climate change on the ski and glof recreational activities and the tourism indust: A case study in Quebec
Harvey44":2sc1c1s5 said:
But I'd love to know what Liftlines regulars think about global warming and energy conservation.
I guess you know now what I think about the issue. Yes, we should be do more, starting with me, my neighbours, my governments and the planet in general. What about Kyoto? It's a start, but we need to go further. :?