Les Deux Alps - January 28, 2024.


Well-known member
As previously mentioned we’re early risers and our body clocks are still a bit out of sorts from the long flight so we woke at 5am. The weather is about as good as it gets for winter mountain driving so we took the 58 minute drive to Les 2 Alps. We spend most of the day above 2500 metres and snow conditions were better than the previous day at Serre Chevalier. Obviously there was less thaw at the higher elevation.
We stopped for a bad 2 Euro coffee and excellent 3 Euro crepe mid morning.
The top lift goes to 3600 metres. There is a definite feeling of being on top of the world up there.

I was surprised how close the La Grave tram is to the top of the resort. There’s a cat track from that direction. Zoom in closely and you’ll see the tram tower.


This one of Kylie may show it better.


Some novelty shots.



Despite the better snow conditions high up
I felt the resort felt a bit disjointed despite some impressive lift infrastructure. Maybe I would feel better about it with more time there. I can’t help but feel the traditional holiday week that the Europeans do would be too much at L2A without fresh snow. While I’m sure I’ll revisit Serre Chevalier in the future I doubt I’ll head back to Les Duex Alps for more than a day if I’m in the area.

I’ll also mention there is an American style resort owned restaurant near the top of the mountain. The difference between today’s eye wateringly expensive ‘line up to be served’ lunch and yesterdays quality great value table service one was night and day.

On a side note I was struggling for comfort with my new ski boots. My shins were very tender. At lunch today I removed the ‘power wedge’ that can be placed between the shell and liner of the boot at the back of the calf. It was an relevation! The power wedge should be called a discomfort wedge.

The last half of the day I found my groove with the new boots and skis. Much happier than yesterday. :)
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Obviously there was less thaw at the higher elevation.
In the Tarantaise the issue was that the storms of Jan. 17-18 and Jan. 21-22 (the former much stronger) had a rain/snow line around 2,200 meters. Those storms came from the west and did get to Serre Chevalier (or so OpenSnow models think). The rain/snow line may have been different but I don't know for sure.
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In the Tarantaise the issue was that the storms of Jan. 17-18 and Jan. 21-22 (the former much stronger) had a rain/snow line around 2,200 meters. Those storms came from the west and did get to Serre Chevalier (or so OpenSnow models think). The rain/snow line may have been different but I don't know for sure.
Yeah Les 2 Alpes would have had similar rain/snow limit to the Tarentaise. Serre Chevalier probably less intense precipitation and fractionally lower snow-line.
I was surprised how close the La Grave tram is to the top of the resort. There’s a cat track from that direction. Zoom in closely and you’ll see the tram tower.
I had the exact same surprise, but in the opposite direction when I visited La Grave back a few years ago, lol.

There are some amazing bowls and chutes accessible from the top of either/both on the south side. Very much need a guide though (and we also needed and used our climbing harnesses too on one of those backcountry runs).
I had the exact same surprise, but in the opposite direction when I visited La Grave back a few years ago, lol.

There are some amazing bowls and chutes accessible from the top of either/both on the south side. Very much need a guide though (and we also needed and used our climbing harnesses too on one of those backcountry runs).
Sounds way above my pay grade. :)
In the Tarantaise the issue was that the storms of Jan. 17-18 and Jan. 21-22 (the former much stronger) had a rain/snow line around 2,200 meters

I think the rain/snow line was lower than you described.

Driving up, there was plenty of fresh snow halfway up the road to Val d'Isere from Bourg St. Maurice from the Jan 17-18 storm. Guessing more like a 1500m rain/snow line. Skied into

And I was there in Val d'Isere for the Jan 21-22 storm, and it was 100% snow in town at 1850m.
Despite the better snow conditions high up
I felt the resort felt a bit disjointed despite some impressive lift infrastructure. Maybe I would feel better about it with more time there. I can’t help but feel the traditional holiday week that the Europeans do would be too much at L2A without fresh snow. While I’m sure I’ll revisit Serre Chevalier in the future I doubt I’ll head back to Les Duex Alps for more than a day if I’m in the area.

I do not like Les 2 Alpes, primarily because of its layout. While it improved between my 2006 and 2023 visits, I still did not warm to it. In 2006, it was snowing quite heavily, so of course L2A skied well. But upon returning to sunshine in 2023, I can confirm it's one of my least favorite places to ski in the Alps. All the downsides of industrial skiing but none of the upsides of a well-linked, multi-mountain experience.