Mont Glen (Eastern Townships), QC will reopen in 2008-09

@Patrick, has there been any forward movement since this article from two years ago? I suspect no. Given the average natural snow per season in that location (maybe 100 inches/250cm?) and the increasingly volatile temperature swings these days, the lack of snowmaking would make that a difficult proposition.
Apologies, I completely forgot about this article that Patrick posted later in 2022 at the bottom of page 1 (and I responded to!).
New owner is the president of Dollarama, a chain of dollar stores with over 1,400 stores across Canada.

Le PDG de Dollarama s’offre une montagne en Estrie​

Cette acquisition du milliardaire Neil Rossy a l’effet d’une douche froide pour ceux qui espéraient voir une station de ski renaître de ses cendres sur cette montagne. Ses pentes ont fait le bonheur des skieurs de 1961 à 2004.

Oh well, at least the 500 acres won't be transformed into a real estate development. Something about this quote in the French article made me laugh -- to help the public feel better about no longer having access to the property, the mayor of West Bolton felt obligated to list the various hunting opportunities that Rossy will be able to enjoy ("there's deer, moose, probably bears"). :icon-lol:

Lui, son intention, c’est plus d’en faire un grand terrain pour la chasse », a expliqué Denis Vaillancourt en entrevue téléphonique. « Il y a du chevreuil, il y a de l’orignal, il y a probablement de l’ours. […] Tant mieux pour lui, il va avoir un beau terrain de jeu.»