My how the sport has changed

@jamesdeluxe got me thinking about something.

I don’t see many “skinny” full camber skis now. It’s not wrong. It’s just different.

Hey whatever gets you across the pond, right?

I’ll have to get with @Tony Crocker, have him help me calculate how many skis I’ll need to get to 100. Then start stocking up. Because there could come a day when the skis I love aren’t made anymore!

Or I could give in, try out these “new” skis?

Nah. :)
Then start stocking up. Because there could come a day when the skis I love aren’t made anymore!
In general I'm not a big gear head. I tend to stick with what I like. In ancient times I had 4 Rossi GS skis from 1979-1999. Then I had Volants (Chubb for powder starting 1996, Power Ti daily driver starting 1999) as long as those skis lasted ~2007.

Since Dec. 2011 the Blizzard Bonafide has been the daily driver, replaced by a new pair in 2017. The Bonafide was redesigned, not for the better per Garry Klassen's 2020 demo. More relevantly it's no longer made in my preferred 180 length. So when the 2017 pair was damaged in 2021 I was fortunate to find a new predesign online 2020 model. Garry found a barely used 2015 on Craigslist a year later, so I bought that one too. So I have a 2-ski "stockpile" which should be good for a few more years.

But overall I've done enough of those industry demos at Mammoth to be fairly confident that I won't be downgrading when the Bonafides are gone.