Open Letter to Kristi Noem's Neighbor


Re that chicken coop you used to need, there's a bunch of books that the stores don't want any more. I think it's because they need more room for children's picturebooks, like "Cat in the Hat", "My Pet Goat", and "Where's Cricket?"

Can the chicken coop be repurposed as an unsold book warehouse?
As a foreigner I have no right to comment on US politics but I’ll just say it’s more than interesting being a casual observer. I was very surprised when you did it in 2016 but won’t be gobsmacked if you do it again in 2024. In fact I’m preparing myself mentally for what is to come.
Foreign and/or detached political commentary is often the most astute.

Here in America, two of the dangers when stupidity reaches a critical mass are somewhat philosophical...

I can't go thinking I'm surrounded by morons without turning into a misanthrope. So it's prolly better to acknowledge that I'm a moron too.

Conversely, there's a tendency to fake stupidity as an easy way out. Like go to the post office or something and pretend there isn't anybody in front of you. "Oh, there's a line? Oops, I didn't know. Nobody told me, sorry."
BREAKING NEWS JD Vance will not be shooting his dog

"I’ve got nothing against dogs. I’ve got one dog at home, and I love him."
Just euthanasia of the cat ladies with no children.

Sad thing is: he does not really believe any of this stuff that comes out of his mouth.
Today a petition drive has been launched to recall South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

"We're eating the dogs! We're eating the cats! We're eating the pets of the people that live here. Shotgun pellets do not belong in our beef stew!" said the Haitian-American gentleman who accosted me on the way out of the grocery store...