Good stuff cj. Good analysis? I?ve never seen a wc live , but hope to see the national at Killington in march.
I?ve had computer problems for a couple of days and have not been posting..
I was able to record the deer valley event on tv from the week before where dawson took it and dale got second.
I don?t know if you have had a chance to get dale begg smith on film and break it down , but like I posted a while ago , there is something different about this kid?s turns?I?ve never seen anyone make turns like this guy. He?s gonna win the gold medal in turin. I?m going on the record right now
Arguing about whether dale , of janne or toby or bloomer is ? the best ? can get a little silly. It?s like whose better manny or barry bonds?..
But there is something different about dale. I like the fact that he skis about a second slower and makes better turns. That?s one of the reason why I almost like watching the women better. I can relate to the girls turns.. I can?t relate to janne or bloom when they are in the middle section staircasing cause I can?t ski like that and if I tried to , I would kill myself?To me , bumps skiing is turns.. I know air is an important aspect, but turns are 50% of the score for a reason.
The week before lake placid , in deer valley is a perfect example of speed hurting someone. Nate skied a line and threw one of the most ridiculous back flips off the bottom air I have ever seen in terms of height and distance ( would that be called amplitude to borrow a term from the knuckle draggers!!! ) but he launched himself so hard, that, in our opinion, after breaking down the film in slow mo, he gives himself little shot to stomp it and really be on the skis for the bottom turns. A real tactical error for a guy trying to get the bid on the team for turin I would say. His turns on the bottom third after the jump were exposed? and I think the judges hammered him on it.
I think janne is skiing too fast.. but I think most of them are skiing to fast at the sacrifice of the turn. Dale isn?t, in my opinion, and neither is dawson.. in 2002 I thought mayer skied fast enough to win with the turns he made, in fact I think he should have won. And believe me , I?m not trashing janne, I love janne. But I think he is giving up turns for speed?.and too me, turns are more important.
I?ve been in love with kari traa since I first saw her? and she skis pretty good too!!!!seriously though , I?m glad you though she looked good , she took a nasty digger in deer valley on the bottom jump, but she seems to still be there even though she is getting older? heil should have won the deer valley comp ahead of roarke. Although I have to give it up to roarke cause when they were interviewing her on national tv after she won, she was giving it up for ? mogul skiing ? . what a refreshing change ? someone actually acknowledging that ? moguls skiers do in fact rule ?