Silverton, CO: 50% Off Heli and 1/2Heli-1/2Guided Days


Well-known member
Pretty amazing Heli Pricing on Silverton Heli and Heli+Guided Packages:
  • Heli Day (6 runs) - $645
  • Heli (3 runs) + Guided (generally 3 runs) - $390
Only early season Sundays till January 21, 2024. However, I like the late January date. Generally, there is enough moderate/non-rocky terrain for heli-skiing by that point.

If I were not going to the Alps, I would try to book a day.....


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I'll be in the area early March, but way too far away and also iffy snow for Dec/Jan for me... Good to know though.
Has this been offered in prior early seasons? This November has been almost totally dry in the Southwest.

I do not remember this sale as typical. I'm not sure if it is a 'drought' sale. Or if it is a 'transition' sale. (New owners this year, so maybe it will become tradition).

Currently, I am not sure who owns the Heli Operation in Silverton. Aaron Brill kept the Alaska heli operation - Silverton Mountain Guides. That possibly could extend to the Colorado heli operation. Those helis go to Alaska for the early season, return to Colorado (late Dec-early/mid March), and back to Alaska for prime heli season (March-early May).

Anyway, I have skied Silverton quite a few times over the Xmas/NYs holidays. Generally, it's not bad in an average snow year. Upper bowls are not open, but the heli-skiing on the non-lift served front basin is low/mid-expert and can get adequate coverage easily. Backside too!

I would risk it - maybe 1/2 guided+3run heli. My brother was less enthusiastic.