Well-known member
I reserved 7 days when first available in early Nov, then canceled a lot of days so far this season including three in mid-Dec and Jan. 1 - 4 (then also reserved later Jan 5). I’ve celebrated the New Year and skied at least the first two or three days of the year the previous years. I finally made it to Kirkwood today after canceling reservations for the first five days of 2021. I may be sleeping in camper when I get home as my wife is very concerned about me getting exposed to COVID-19. That means being in driveway at vacant rental (or could setup bed inside although it may already be rented) or parking it at my Mom’s as my driveway is too steep. At least I have filled one propane tank so I’ll be warm plus I tested that small Keurig we received for Christmas works off inverter.
Kirkwood 1/6/2021
I left home at 5:20 and arrived Kirkwood 3 1/2 hours later. I’m trying to avoid going indoors besides at cabin, but I went through historic downtown Jackson and saw City workers about to unlock public bathroom so I was the first one to use it today vs. going on side of road somewhere. After gearing up, it was about 9:15 before I loaded Timber Creek lift. I skied it 2-3 times before trying Schoolhouse as I had decided to ride every open lift. Next I moved to Cornice for 5 laps.
I found some good packed powder and skier re-distributed snow on skiers left of both shady Sentinel and sunny Zachary’s although there were also some bumps to be dealt with. I left the area after skiing ungroomed Monte Wolf that was even more bumped up, but skied well.
Next I took an excellent groomer lap on The Reut before riding chair 1 which not only is slow and flat, but stopped then ran slow for a long time after restart. Then I took chair 2 to chair 4, the Backside.
The usual entrance to main run under the chair, Elevator Shaft
was closed at top as it may have been wind-stripped on Mon. when Alpine recorded gusts of 191 mph and Squaw had gusts over 100 from 8 AM to 8 PM. I found deep wind-sift by starting down Happiness Is and cutting towards Elevator Shaft. Next time down I found even deeper wind-sift going off cornice into The Wave, but had my only hard rock hit of the day while looking ahead to find narrow path through other rocks to get to cornice, then pushed too far to right after cornice when better routes were more direct. I next skied Hully Gully which was OK, but not always as deep wind-sift as expected.
On my way back to main base,
I rode chair 3 twice and skied it once, then skied chair 2 and after riding it skied Whiskey Slide and Low Whiskey back to The Reut. My phone battery had suffered on the Backside so I made my way back to car to put a charge into it and grab external battery to add even more and listened to some of the crazy news from our nation’s Capitol. I took my iPad and after riding chair 5 twice went to main base to try to see a 2 PM Zoom but couldn’t find (or hack) any WiFi. So I rode and skied The Reut three times before skiing Cornice a couple of more times and then adding another Timber Creek to finish at 3:30 with 30 lifts and 26.5K.
An hour later I got to my family’s cabin at So. Tahoe that had not been used since early October. While it was 36 inside and the pilot for heater in bedroom had to be lit, everything seems OK.
My plan (and reservations) Heavenly Thursday and Kirkwood again on Friday on way home when I can only ski 9-2. Hopefully they get The Wall lift going again. First I heard it was not running today due to moguls at top, then I heard mechanical, then I heard it almost caught on fire on Tuesday. The only time I shared a ride was when a black, former Marine and I started discussing today’s events and we decided to share short hi-speed quad. I had a delay on one of my last loads of Cornice as it appeared that a lady had been previously warned about mask requirement and they would not let her load again and her group of 4 had to exit loading area.
Kirkwood 1/6/2021
I left home at 5:20 and arrived Kirkwood 3 1/2 hours later. I’m trying to avoid going indoors besides at cabin, but I went through historic downtown Jackson and saw City workers about to unlock public bathroom so I was the first one to use it today vs. going on side of road somewhere. After gearing up, it was about 9:15 before I loaded Timber Creek lift. I skied it 2-3 times before trying Schoolhouse as I had decided to ride every open lift. Next I moved to Cornice for 5 laps.
Next I took an excellent groomer lap on The Reut before riding chair 1 which not only is slow and flat, but stopped then ran slow for a long time after restart. Then I took chair 2 to chair 4, the Backside.
On my way back to main base,
My plan (and reservations) Heavenly Thursday and Kirkwood again on Friday on way home when I can only ski 9-2. Hopefully they get The Wall lift going again. First I heard it was not running today due to moguls at top, then I heard mechanical, then I heard it almost caught on fire on Tuesday. The only time I shared a ride was when a black, former Marine and I started discussing today’s events and we decided to share short hi-speed quad. I had a delay on one of my last loads of Cornice as it appeared that a lady had been previously warned about mask requirement and they would not let her load again and her group of 4 had to exit loading area.