Tuckerman Ravine, NH; June 2, 2000


New member
There were about a dozen skiers/telemarkers/boarders in the Bowl when I got up there about 1PM. I skied five runs, then started down after 3PM. There were still stragglers showing up to ski as I hiked out. <BR> <BR>I tried several runs in the center and under the Chute at first. It looked better from afar. You could start higher up than along the Lunch Rocks, but the snow ended higher up, too. The run under the Chute was only 160' vertical. There were a few scary undermined spots, too, climbing around the center wall area. <BR> <BR>I finally headed back to the Lunch Rocks, where everyone else was skiing. The line over there parallels the hiking trail closely. There was about 250' vertical, if you took it all the way down the run out. There were some badly undermined spots halfway down there, too, though more obvious and more easily avoided than I'd seen under the Center Wall. Still, it was the best run to be had. It had even bumped up a little from all the activity (probably the result of Mem'l Day weekend). <BR> <BR>Though it's getting thin, it looks like some of it may last until July 4th.
I screwed up the date when I posted. The ski report was posted June 4, but I skied on Saturday, June 3. For a photo of the Bowl that day, go to <BR><A HREF="http://www.mountwashington.org/snowcover/hi-res/06/2000_06_03.jpg" TARGET="_top">http://www.mountwashington.org/snowcover/hi-res/06/2000_06_03.jpg</A> <BR> <BR>Hoping for one last shot next weekend to close the season! <BR>-Jon