Where would you like to retire????


Well-known member
For me, House on Cape Cod and a condo in Vermont. Cape Cod has a great hospital . Just in case my old ass gets sick.
I can also sell this arrangement to my wife.
My husband retires in less than 3 years. I think he'll kick around here for a while, but he talks about going to Central America where he can live on pennies a day on a beach in the tropical environment. He likes to scuba dive and be out on the water in his motorboat. Maybe I'll go and visit him during the non-skiing season :lol:

We have a VA hospital in Syracuse, so for his health it would make sense for him to stay here, but he likes the cold weather less and less. I buy him down and goretex Jackets to keep him comfy. He still won't ski for more than a couple of hours at a time.

I've got all kinds of ideas for my retirement in 10 years. We have family and friends near Portland, OR as well as Seatlle, and friends in SLC. So I can see myself wintering in SLC, spending summers in the PNW and going back to CNY for Sept and October. Keeping it flexible. I think my husband will want to be with his grandkids in OR, so that would be a good place to be together (when he's not in Belize).

My original plan was to get a 4wd truck with a truck camper to live in while I travel. But we'll have to see how fuel and technology changes in the next 10 years to see if that plan is even viable. We can manage to live in the spare room at the kid's house or in Amy's basement in SLC if necessary (if she's still there of course, otherwise we'l live in Admin's basement :lol: )
It seems that Sharon's situation should work out fine. The nice weather season in Central America coincides with when she wants to be skiing. The rest of the year they can be together in places both of them like reasonably well.

The overall "where to retire" decision is affected, as in Sharon's case by whether you want to keep some roots in the area you lived before. One couple we know ~20 years ago built a beautiful scenic house overlooking the Umpqua River in Oregon, but also bought a small 600sf condo in Long Beach so they could still spend time with friends and family in SoCal. Unfortunately current tax law makes swapping the metro area house you've lived in for 20+ years for same price in the resort of your choice potentially costly.

So some of us might consider the alternative of keeping one's long time residence and getting something small or renting by the month in the resort area, like the early retirees I skied with at Snowbird.

The compulsive try-new-areas types like Patrick and myself should probably not have more than one residence until we're ready to concentrate our skiing more in one place than we do now.
Tony Crocker":2jikblvp said:
The compulsive try-new-areas types like Patrick and myself should probably not have more than one residence until we're ready to concentrate our skiing more in one place than we do now.

Or you could consider a destination club. Access to many large homes in many resorts. The big clubs (Exclusive and Ultimate) have a lot of property in ski country. Of course, it ain't cheap.

I'm still deciding where to retire. I would certain love North River. Lot's of friends up there. And let's face it when you are retired and living next door to alpine skiing, XC skiing, hiking, rafting and 100,000 acres of backcountry, you'll get the goods even in a marginal year. Also if you swing it right, hopefully you can afford to travel. But....still don't know.

The downside up there is really May 15 through July 15 - bug season. Otherwise the whole darn year is fantastic. I suppose I could use that time to work in my screened in ceramics studio, he fantasized.

SLC isn't out of the question. Or Burlington. Mmmm Burlington.
I'd like to retire tomorrow and move to either Salt Lake City or somewhere in Montana(Whitefish, Missoula, Bozeman, P'burg, Billings).

Salt Lake City obviously for the skiing, city life, night life and such like and Montana for just that quietness, bit of skiing and to spend time with some friends up that way and go hunting with them.
q":jvipov8b said:
Montana for just that quietness, bit of skiing and to spend time with some friends up that way and go hunting with them.

And I thought it was to become a dental floss tycoon? :D

Yippy-Ty-O-Ty-Ay :wink:
q":3k1u7zdc said:
Salt Lake City obviously for the skiing, city life, night life and such like

City life and SLC don't quite go together. SLC is more like a giant suburb... I won't even get started on the night life aspect of the comment. Of course, I was born and raised in NYC so...
rfarren":ddl39c15 said:
City life and SLC don't quite go together. SLC is more like a giant suburb...

Hoo boy, here we go again. :roll: OK, it ain't Manhattan, but we're hardly lacking in cultural opportunities here. Off the top of my head:

1. ballet
2. opera
3. annual Shakespeare festival (OK, thats south of here)
4. dining that rivals dining nearly anywhere
5. concerts (I'm not a big concert goer anymore, and my taste is a bit eclectic, but since moving here I've seen Elvis Costello, Cowboy Junkies (x2), The Breeders (last week) and I was supposed to see Exene Cervenka (I got the flu).
Admin":1zhd1hpm said:
The Breeders (last week)

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I was hoping to see them again this tour, however Montreal (or Ottawa) wasn't on their tour. :cry: I believe the Cure went by your way also. :wink:
Patrick":2io5v73z said:
Admin":2io5v73z said:
The Breeders (last week)

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I was hoping to see them again this tour, however Montreal (or Ottawa) wasn't on their tour. :cry: I believe the Cure went by your way also. :wink:

The Cure did play here, but I'm not into large shows.

What, lowly SLC got an avant-garde music performance that cosmopolitan Montreal didn't? :wink:

We actually get a lot of acts who you wouldn't expect to stop here, as we're a natural waypoint for bands traveling between Vegas or L.A. and Denver. Our best shows are thus midweek.


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Not to hyjack the thread..
You just saw the Breeders?? In the early 90's , I saw them with Nirvana in a small venue, interesting show..
jasoncapecod":1fo0vrle said:
Not to hyjack the thread..

Hijack away...:D

jasoncapecod":1fo0vrle said:
You just saw the Breeders?? In the early 90's , I saw them with Nirvana in a small venue, interesting show.

Maybe SLC is a few years behind. :wink: Seriously, Breeders follow up to their 2nd album, The Last Splash (great album in the early 90s) came out in 2002. Their 4th came out 2 months ago.

Admin":1fo0vrle said:
The Cure did play here, but I'm not into large shows.

What, lowly SLC got an avant-garde music performance that cosmopolitan Montreal didn't? :wink:

Anti-Smoking laws???:D :wink: :wink:

Saw the Breeders in 2002 in a small Montreal club (Café Campus), wife was 6 months pregnant. The future Tara was bouncing the whole show. :p Maybe the Deal sisters didn't come back do to the strict new anti-smoking laws. :wink: Kim most have smoked a pack of cigarettes during that show (both shows - saw them 2 nights). :lol: However I saw Joe Jackson in April, I guess he didn't really care?

Saw the Cure a few weeks ago. What can I say? A great 3 hours, start to finish of The Cure with no intermission. Not the best Cure show i've seen, but better than most shows I see in one year.:p

Here is a clip from that show...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6U3NuukSs6k&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6U3NuukSs6k&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
The club where they played in SLC has a smoke-free policy. Maybe that's why their set was so short.
Admin":g6r99evx said:
The club where they played in SLC has a smoke-free policy. Maybe that's why their set was so short.


Actually, based on the 2 Breeders shows I've seen in pre-smoking laws in bars Montreal, I can say that sets are definitely not long...crazy enough, that is why I decided to go back the second night (great show, but not enough). Both nights together was less time than one Cure show. :?
Look, I'm only saying: you don't move to SLC for the "culture," dining, and "night life." You move there for the outdoor activities, and in my case the skiing.

1. ballet
2. opera
3. annual Shakespeare festival (OK, thats south of here)
4. dining that rivals dining nearly anywhere
5. concerts (I'm not a big concert goer anymore, and my taste is a bit eclectic, but since moving here I've seen Elvis Costello, Cowboy Junkies (x2), The Breeders (last week) and I was supposed to see Exene Cervenka (I got the flu).

All things being equal: North America cuisine doesn't touch European, in large part due to poor quality of produce and food laws (all cheese has to be pastuerized :evil: ). However, as far as the arts are concerned not all ballets and opera companies are created equally.
All things being equal: North America cuisine doesn't touch European, in large part due to poor quality of produce and food laws
I wouldn't say that to Thomas Keller (French Laundry,Per Se)
You live in NYC, been down to the Union Square farmers market.

Lets leave at that and say they are different.
Ahh.... what the hell.

Retirement is way too far off to make anything but the most generic plans (for me). Though definitely in stash-the-cash mode for this part of my career so that the proverbial cat food dinner level of retirement is not in my future :)

To be cliche, how about a place with great mountain sunsets over the nearby 14'er... (below).

Seriously though; Everyone must be getting bored or antsy this time of year for these topics to be getting so much attention :-s


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