Wildcat NH - March 12, 08 - Day 1


Well-known member
After posting 3 TRs like in less than one week:

Edelweiss, QC - March 5, 2008 - Powder day in Ottawa????

Calabogie, ON - March 8, 2008 - Powder again!!!

Edelweiss, QC - March 9, 2008 - Powder day in Ottawa 2

As written at the end of that last TR, especially that New England had received many of that storm in liquid form. :roll:

Patrick":nawbp2uh said:
I know some of you might question the sanity of this (going to NH), but it's about a vacation that the kids are looking forward to it. Skiing local or the Laurentians wouldn't be special for them.

Some of the advice.

riverc0il":nawbp2uh said:
Patrick":nawbp2uh said:
Not 100% yet...can't believe I'm consider leaving this place.
Stop considering, stay put, and enjoy the powdery conditions north of the St. Lawrence.

Tony Crocker":nawbp2uh said:
Surely Patrick can find someplace appropriate in Quebec for his family rather than drive farther to ski on crap.

If I would have stayed put, this is what my conditions would have looked like...

Ottawa March break - Cascade, Tremblant, Mt. Ste. Marie

However as I've said many many times, it's not only about the conditions, other factors are in play like Terrain and Challenge. A trip also feels more like a vacation than skiing local.


We didn't ski on Tuesday at Cannon as planned. We got in late in a storm affected Montreal on Monday plus my youngest was feeling sick. :? We woke up at a normal time and heading for NH.

One advantage of this trip was I had taken the Grade 5 NH passport for my oldest.

Kids Ski for Free - grade 4, 5 or 6 :)


As planned, we were at Wildcat for 2-for-1 Wednesday. So the total cost for my wife and I plus my 5yo (free) and 10yo (passport free) was $59. What a deal...

Started off skiing with Tara on the Snowcat beginner lift. Tara needed to revisit her ski basis and gain confidence. Wildcat has excellent terrain built for beginners. Many smaller areas don't have this.

Morgane and my wife were at their first visit at Wildcat. I had given them the advise that they should start with the following trails which I believe give a good sense of what Wildcat is: Polecat (green), Lynx (blue) and Wildcat (black). After a few runs, my wife and I traded daughters. My wife was having a hard time keeping up to Morgane.

Morgane wanted to ski every open run on the mountain. The closed runs were Lift Lion, Starr Line, Hairball, Top Cat, Black Cat and Al's Ally. Not necessarily due to lack of snow, but more related to ice flows. (These runs were open again today).

Conditions were hard, fast and icy in some spots with overcast sky with flurries in the afternoon. The first run we did was Catapult which I was groomed hard and fast. I had to asked Morgane to slowdown. Part of Top Cat was open and Morgane opted for it. After a few turns on some icy conditions, I asked her if she wanted to go on the easier conditions on Lynx, the answer was "No". :D This girl like the challenge. So we moved on across the mountain, nothing was to bad and we had fun. Feline was frozen bump field, she still had fun. She only had a few runs to complete the list of open trails, once she skied with my wife later in the afternoon after an entire family run down Wild Kitten (note - unfortunately WK got some high speed traffic, always a concern on a green run).

Unfortunately my wife is not into ski maps and she skied a few repeat runs. Missing runs were all at the lower mountain: Tommy Schuss, Mountain Jag Glade, Cougar, Panther, Alley Cat & Annie's Alley.

Conditions were much better locally, however Morgane had a great time. Much greater to any days locally this year.

The only minor negative is that the family didn't get to see the wonderful view on Mt. Washington. :D
Nice TR Patrick. Good to get in some family time. I have a 4th grader who did EYT this year and will be doing the 5th grade passport next year while his little brother will be in 4th right behind him. Looking forward to some cheap family sliding over the next couple years. Sorry conditions weren't a little better for ya.
skibumm100":3u2rt7bw said:
Nice TR Patrick. Good to get in some family time..

Thanks. If I had digital pictures and might have even posted a few, however it was showing hard at the end of the day and visibility was bad.

skibumm100":3u2rt7bw said:
I have a 4th grader who did EYT this year and will be doing the 5th grade passport next year while his little brother will be in 4th right behind him. Looking forward to some cheap family sliding over the next couple years.

About the Passport, it's been a great year, unfortunately next year my daughter start paying again plus my youngest will be 6 and lift tix will generally not be free. :( One of the reason why we didn't consider Bretton Woods was that 5yo don't ski for free plus the 2-for-1 was the same as Wildcat. So no contest.

skibumm100":3u2rt7bw said:
Sorry conditions weren't a little better for ya.

Had great fun...I didn't ski on any ice all year, so once in a time is good and keeps you from being lazy. :wink:
However as I've said many many times, it's not only about the conditions, other factors are in play like Terrain and Challenge. A trip also feels more like a vacation than skiing local.
I never advocated staying home and skiing Ottawa molehills. I thought Quebec City was the standout eastern choice for this week, and still do. My impressions of Tremblant from FTO reports are generally negative, but I imagine it was also better than NH this particular week.

It's bad enough that Morgane doesn't get to ski big mountains with good snow on a mid-March school break that usually has prime conditions in much of the West or Alps. :P But within the East, one would think they could go for the areas/region with the best terrain, challenge AND conditions.

unfortunately next year my daughter start paying again
So she might as well get some more bang for her bucks, particularly at current exchange rates! And while we're on the subject, I recall from when my kids were young that California had 5th grade passports. Probably some other western states too.
Tony Crocker":1bo7sybj said:
I never advocated staying home and skiing Ottawa molehills. I thought Quebec City was the standout eastern choice for this week, and still do. My impressions of Tremblant from FTO reports are generally negative, but I imagine it was also better than NH this particular week.

Tremblant was very good, but Morgane knows Tremblant well and isn't a fan. I was also thinking about deals, stuff and taking advantage of a cheap dollar.

Quebec City only has LeRelais as what I would call a small area which I had no interest of going back. I was looking for a good combo of a series of small and big hills. The North Conway areas fit the bill perfectly.

Tony Crocker":1bo7sybj said:
It's bad enough that Morgane doesn't get to ski big mountains with good snow on a mid-March school break that usually has prime conditions in much of the West or Alps.

This makes some sense if you're only thinking about Morgane, however we wanted also to go to small places being a family vacation. Actually the conditions were that bad and this was very good (sorry for the Eastern training bias) for Morgane skiing. So much that she talked to my wife acout starting ski racing. :shock:

And while we're on the subject, I recall from when my kids were young that California had 5th grade passports. Probably some other western states too.

Yep, there is a discussion on those passport from last Fall that is linked at the top of my TR.
I was looking for a good combo of a series of small and big hills.
Mt. Ste. Anne, Le Massif, Massif du Sud??? Stoneham is a decent smaller place.

this was very good (sorry for the Eastern training bias) for Morgane skiing.
I think she might enjoy a tour of Alta with admin's crew more. :wink: Or Snowbird with our Iron Blosam group, same week as her spring break.
Sounds like a nice trip Patrick. They kids grow up way fast and it's great to get them to new places and have new experiences while you can.

Now with the price of digitial cameras and memory cards plummeting your running out of excuses in the pic area!

If you're near St. Laurent, you can pick up a basic slope clicker for $40 or so. eg. 4 megapixel, 3x optical zoom Kodak digital camera for $40, and a 1 Gig SD card is $10.

http://www.factorydirect.ca/catalog/pro ... ode=KO3330

or at $50:
http://www.factorydirect.ca/catalog/pro ... ode=KO0530

These are refurbs or overstock but you don't have a big investment to coddle on the slopes.
Spensar":360vyf9t said:
Now with the price of digitial cameras and memory cards plummeting your running out of excuses in the pic area!

NEVER!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Mt. Ste. Anne, Le Massif, Massif du Sud??? Stoneham is a decent smaller place.

We're not talking about places that close to each other. Smaller maybe, but not necessarily smaller feel. What is the lift capacity of Stoneham? With the exception of Cannon, all the areas were close or on the way back.

I think she might enjoy a tour of Alta with admin's crew more. Or Snowbird with our Iron Blosam group, same week as her spring break.

I was talking about getting her to ski on challenging terrain AND conditions. :twisted: I gave the choice to ski another "kinder" conditions trail, she declined. That's my girl!!! :P
Ignorance is bliss. Perhaps Patrick is trying to avoid the "you'll never keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paris" syndrome.

Does Morgane read FTO? Perhaps she should!
Tony Crocker":2q6dmkgd said:
Does Morgane read FTO? Perhaps she should!
Don't get me started on the kids and the internet, MSN and Hotmail accounts or you'll have to split this threat also. :wink:
So after leaving the perfect storm up in Ottawa...


We got to NH.

Spensar":2gby8v3n said:
your running out of excuses in the pic area!

Here are my non-digital pic. Not many picture due to bad visibility. The only pictures taken was when we went leaving. O:)

Family carrying skis with Wildcat in the background.


Yes, we were at Wildcat. Here are the girls in front of the sign to prove it.


Morgane enjoying enjoying the flakes while Tara is walking back to the car.


Graph of the day. First runs alone with Tara then skied with Morgane. Tara was impressed by the familiar run on that first run. I believe two runs after lunch were done with the entire family.
