The following major weather patterns affected the 2022-23 ski season. Late October through November: This was the driest November since 2007. Regions with snow mostly had some rain mix as well. Late October snowfall in northern regions mostly melted out. First week of December: A storm track in northern regions brought moderate snow at higher … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Summary→
2023-24 suffered the second driest overall November/December in over 50 years of records but made up most of that deficit from January to mid-March. When the snow came it was stronger in the El Nino favored southern regions. Northern regions were overall below average and only Utah finished the season much above average. April snowfall … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Analysis as of May 17, 2024→
The first half of March brought at least above average snow to all regions, with western North America collectively reaching 96% of normal by March 16. This implies about 130% of normal from January 1 – March 16. Second half of March snowfall was above average in southern regions and mostly below average farther north. … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Progress Report as of April 13, 2024→
During the first week of February major storms hit California, Utah and the Southwest. Second half of February snowfall was mainly in the northern regions. The first half of March brought at least above average snow to all regions, with western North America collectively reaching 96% of normal by March 16. This implies about 130% … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Progress Report as of March 31, 2024→
Second half of January snowfall was just slightly below normal but it was unseasonably warm and the Northwest and British Columbia were hit by rain the last few days of the month. During the first week of February major storms hit California, Utah and the Southwest. Second half of February snowfall was mainly in the … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Progress Report as of February 29, 2024→
In some of the hardest hit areas terrain opened gradually due to wind and poor snow stability after the dry early season.Second half of January snowfall was just slightly below normal but it was unseasonably warm and the Northwest and British Columbia were hit by rain the last few days of the month. During the … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Progress Report as of February 15, 2024→
The season improved in the new year, much colder with coastal region storms being all snow, starting with up to 2 feet in the Sierra during the first week of January. During the second week a massive series of storms hit the Northwest, Utah and Colorado. In some of the hardest hit areas terrain opened … Continue reading 2023-24 Ski Season Progress Report as of January 31, 2024→