What is your number of hits (visitors) per month?

Our site traffic naturally fluctuates seasonally, but tops out at between 1 and 2 million page views per month to more than 150,000 unique monthly users. Full details are available to qualified media buyers upon request.

What websites do you operate?

We operate FirstTracksOnline.com and SkiMovies.com. Our services are also put to work in print consumer ski publications and ski industry publications, and in summer 2007 we launched our first regional electronic publication, UtahSkiAndSnowboard.com.

Where are you located?

Our main offices are in Salt Lake City in the great skiing state of Utah in the western United States, and you’ll often find that on powder days we’ve “gone fishin’” at Alta, Snowbird, Solitude, Park City, and other nearby Wasatch Mountain ski areas. Our writers, however, are scattered around all skiing corners of the … Continue reading Where are you located?