Category Archives: South America

How to Plan a Heli-ski Trip

Salt Lake City, UT – Heli-skiing is the ultimate dream for any powder-focused skier or snowboarder, but when you look at the costs, it often becomes apparent why the “once in a lifetime” tag is so appropriate. In this article we’ll guide you through how to choose and plan the perfect heli-ski trip for the best return for your investment. … Continue reading How to Plan a Heli-ski Trip

Ski and Snowboard Baggage Fees on Airlines Worldwide

Salt Lake City, UT – Face it: as if airline travel these days isn’t enough of a hassle, traveling with skis or a snowboard has become an absolute pain. As a result, many travelers who used to bring their own gear now rent when they arrive at their destination. That, however, can be costly, and the … Continue reading Ski and Snowboard Baggage Fees on Airlines Worldwide

Antarctic Cruise Belongs on Any Skier’s Bucket List

Ushuaia, Argentina – Antarctica is one of tourism’s final frontiers.  The first tourist cruise to the frozen continent took place in 1969 but tourism remained rare there until the 1990’s.  Nearly 7,000 tourists landed in Antarctica in 1992-93, growing to 13,900 in 1999-2000 and peaking at 33,000 in 2007-08, although economic conditions have limited tourist landings … Continue reading Antarctic Cruise Belongs on Any Skier’s Bucket List

Great Skiing Options in Chile Lie Close to Santiago

A Guide to Chile’s Northern Ski Resorts Santiago, Chile – North American skiers and snowboarders looking for a summertime fix cast their gaze toward the Southern Hemisphere. While skiing is available in Australia, New Zealand and even South Africa and Lesotho, the biggest resorts and most dependable snow cover lie in South America. Santiago, Chile’s … Continue reading Great Skiing Options in Chile Lie Close to Santiago