All posts by First Tracks!! Online Media

Snowboard Step-in Systems vs. Strap Bindings

If you’re new to snowboarding and trying to decide whether to go with traditional strap bindings or a step-in system like the K2-Clicker, Switch, Rossignol or Ride/Device System, what should you consider? Asides from cost, understanding some performance, comfort and ease-of-adjustment issues can help you make your decision. n Traditional (Oxygen) Strap bindings   K2 … Continue reading Snowboard Step-in Systems vs. Strap Bindings

Big Snows Fall on Select Eastern Ski Resorts

Ellicottville, NY – Although the ground remains bare across much of Eastern ski country, snowmaking weather has returned and a lucky few Eastern ski resorts are under the gun as lake effect bands rolling in off the Great Lakes with the cold flow of air are dumping significant snows as opening dates near.n Snow is … Continue reading Big Snows Fall on Select Eastern Ski Resorts

How Should I Handle My Camera In Cold Weather?

‘Tis the season, the folks at the New York Institute of Photography are getting lots of letters from NYI students and other Web visitors about taking photos in cold weather. They’ve been kind enough to contribute this piece and another which discusses how to take great ski photographs, and that means going out in the … Continue reading How Should I Handle My Camera In Cold Weather?